indie business club with Barfield & McKinney
Indie Business Club
05 Flaming Lips: Public Speaking

05 Flaming Lips: Public Speaking

indie business club - episode 5

Hi, Mel and Ben here,

This episode is called Flaming Lips, and we’re talking about public speaking as a way to build your profile and attract more clients.

We’ve both spoken on large stages, and one of the reasons we wanted to start a podcast was to…

  • improve our public speaking

  • get more speaking gigs, both in-person and on podcasts

In the episode we mention Ben’s speaker performances at Creator Day this year and at Copy Cabana in 2017, which you can watch here.

Pascalle Bergmans gives us her top tip for people who want to start delivering event talks. Her website is

And as always we have our regular “Your Friend And Mine” feature where we big-up a fellow indie business owner we think is great.

Please follow, like, review, whatevs…

Spotify / Apple podcasts / Amazon Music and Audible

Thanks for listening,

Mel & Ben

Find our producer and theme composer Ant Henderson on LinkedIn and our indie business club page is also on LinkedIn.

indie business club with Barfield & McKinney
Indie Business Club
A podcast for independent creatives. Packed with tips, advice, and food for thought for freelancers, founders, and business owners in creative industries.