indie business club with Barfield & McKinney
Indie Business Club
04 A Little Respect: Client Relationships

04 A Little Respect: Client Relationships

indie business club - episode 4


Hi, Mel and Ben here,

This episode is called A Little Respect, and we’re talking about Client Relationships.

We’ve got a contribution from creative force of nature Jodie Newman at The Business Allotment and as always we shout out an indie business owner we think is ace.

One thing that came out in the discussion is just how much running an indie business relies on having processes and boundaries in place. We also touch on the danger of falling into the classic “employee mindset” trap. But we also talk about how to surprise and delight your clients, which Jodie is especially great at.

Please follow, like, review, whatevs…

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Thanks for listening,

Mel & Ben

PS: #TacticalBumlicker

Find our producer and theme composer Ant Henderson on LinkedIn and our indie business club page is on LinkedIn too.

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indie business club with Barfield & McKinney
Indie Business Club
A podcast for independent creatives. Packed with tips, advice, and food for thought for freelancers, founders, and business owners in creative industries.