indie business club with Barfield & McKinney
Indie Business Club
06 I Bet You Look Good On The Timeline

06 I Bet You Look Good On The Timeline

indie business club - episode 6

Audio of this email:


Hi, Mel and Ben here,

It doesn’t feel like a whole two weeks since our last episode. Perhaps because we’re both operating in the time warp known as school summer holidays.

This episode is called I Bet You Look Good on the Timeline, and we’re talking about everyone’s favourite/most hated social media platform… LinkedIn.

In this episode we talk about how incredible LinkedIn is and how much Mel (hi) loves it. Ben is… slightly less enamoured.

We went to top LinkerInner and Friend Of The Show Dave Harland for a voice note about the impact a single post can have.

And as always, we shout out a fellow indie business owner we think is top notch. This time it’s Jonathan Wilcock, a copywriter and dungeon master at

When he’s not sweating over copy, Jonathan enjoys sweating over his victims, with his series Copywriters On The Rack. We’ve both had the honour of being squeezed for words.

Read what Mel said on the Rack
Read what Ben said on the Rack

Please follow, like, review, whatevs…

Spotify / Apple podcasts / Amazon Music and Audible

The transcript for this episode keeps coming up with an error, so we’re not sure if it will appear on podcast platforms. If you’d like it by email let us know at

Thanks for listening,

Mel & Ben

Find our producer and theme composer Ant Henderson on LinkedIn.
Our indie business club page is also over there.

indie business club with Barfield & McKinney
Indie Business Club
A podcast for independent creatives. Packed with tips, advice, and food for thought for freelancers, founders, and business owners in creative industries.