Hi, Ben here.
Have you heard our latest episode…
When we decided to do an episode on the kinds of software we use in our businesses, I wasn’t sure. The idea sounded a bit boring tbh.
Then we individually listed all the software we rely on (as well as the stuff we’ve tried and ditched) and I realised that it could actually be a pretty helpful episode.
I think it is. And, of course, we had some fun with it too.
If you haven't listened yet, dial-up your fastest internet connection and press play above, or navigate your phone’s Operating System and find the application software that you use to listen to podcasts and find us there. (I learnt a lot during the research for this show ;).
More important than all that, though…
Anyway, what I really want to tell you about today is this: Last night, Mel went to the Women In Marketing Awards in that London and won first place in the Brand Copywriting Category 🎉*
I’m so happy she won because she’s brilliant at what she does and she 💯 deserved to.
It’s perfect timing too, because our next episode is all about Tone Of Voice and Mel’s winning entry was a Tone Of Voice guide she created for Confetti, a part of Nottingham Trent University. That episode will be released next Thursday (November 28th), and you’ll hear the authority in Mel’s voice when she talks about what Tone Of Voice is and how having one helps businesses like yours :)
*A huuuge shout out to friends of the show Anita Ellis and Gemma Strang who were commended and highly commended respectively in the same WIM Awards category 👏.
Bye for now,
Ben & (Award Winning Copywriter Mel)
And find our swiftie tallboy producer Ant Henderson on LinkedIn
The back catalogue
Replays here…
11 Somebody Told Me: Referrals ft Bob Burg and Penni and Jo Pickering
10 Paranoid Android: AI vs creativity ft Tom Albrighton and Molly Scanlon
09 Shiny Happy People: Personal brands ft Lea Turner and Steve Folland
08 Chasing Rainbows: Business planning ft. Alastair Thomson and Melanie Johnson
07 A Design For Life: Creating for yourself with guest co-host Dan Nelken ft. Penny Brazier and The McKinneys
06 I Bet You Look Good On The Timeline ft. Dave Harland and Jonathan Wilcock
05 Flaming Lips: Public Speaking ft. Pascalle Bergmans, Becki Wilson and Nikki Pilkington
04 A Little Respect: Client Relationships ft. Jodie Newman and Sophie Cross
03 All Together Now: Communities ft. Mark Masters and Ant Henderson
02 It’s Oh So Quiet: Finding Clients ft. John Lyons and Bonnie Harrington
01 Fools Gold: Pricing your projects ft. Tom Garfield and Ange Lyons
00 What’s The Story? Podcast origins
Well done Mel.